Nukematrix Cyber Forest Series-Dianlang (Wolf Girl) "Carolina Rolfi" official image releas
Date:2024-04-06 View:1036

After leaving the last picture, everyone is paying close attention to the wolf girl "Carolina Rolphe" (Carolina Rolphe). Taking advantage of this beautiful day to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, Xiaohe secretly gives you some more Picture, reveal the mystery of the snow wolf tribe deep in the frosty wasteland~

The deepest part of the Frost and Snow Wasteland has been shrouded in an endless fog since the birth of the continent. The bone-shattering cold wind has been blowing for thousands of years, but it has not been able to blow it away. The "Hall of Heroes", one of the three mysterious areas in the mainland, stands quietly in the depths of the mist, as if waiting for something. Legend has it that this is the destination of the dead, the end of life, and the end of the origin of everything!

The Snow Wolf Clan has been guarding this place for generations. Each of them is a natural predator, wielding huge swords and axes, and is full of inexplicable fanaticism for fighting. Even their gleaming claws can easily tear apart the enemy's flesh. Throat. The special individuals of the Snow Wolf Clan are called "Dian Lang". Each "Dian Wolf" is a nightmare for their enemies. They have awakened the wild blood and developed their bodies to the extreme, possessing incredible power! It even evolved into another advanced form - "Berserker"!










Next:Nuclear Energy Matrix Wolf Girl "Carolina Rolfi" complete configuration announced